Dec 082009
Ran my fingers through my hair this evening. It is all coming out.
Anyone want to have a head shaving party?
I have been preparing myself for this event. Though really and truly, nothing quite prepares you for the sight of seeing your hair coming out in huge amounts. No clumps yet, just large amounts of it coming out in my hands.
We are so vain, are we not? This is not a big issue. I will go see my hairdresser on Friday and have the whole thing shaved off I could this at home, but I would have to clean up the mess.
I had originally thought I would have a party of sorts. I just do not have the energy to organise it.
Just call me baldy.
we love baldy!
You will look awesome. And, it will grow back after chemo—so don't get too attached to that oh so fashionable shaved head look unless you're up for lots of effort. It was so good to see you today. Just caught up on all the postings I missed. Thanks, again, for keeping it coming. I ended my catch up on the cats entry. It is so charming and, well, weird, that all your cats have always had at least 2 names. I had almost forgotten that Boo Boo's name started as Rumpus. See you Friday. xxoo
I know one you can have the party with…..Phil and as he always said BALD IS BEAUTIFUL
Hang in there. Your hair is going to grow back straight so I was told
Always sending you good thoughts
Comes back even curlier. My hair could never be straight.
Good morning Farokh,
Hope to see you in class today….what messy weather though.
Ya, better get to that hair dresser real soon. You'll be leaving a hair trail all over the house. The part about not having any hair wasn't great…your head may feel cold at night. You may need to wear a bed time cap. Scarves are great Farokh. Find yourself some great colours and patterns and pretend you are a pirate!! How about an earring in one ear too? (Just joking with you about the earring.) See you!
Hey baldy!!
I hear toques are great
always in our thughts
hugs and kisses from all of us
Well, well, well…. its about time!
The first time it might be a party… gets a bit boring after a while.
But, you'll love it! Its the best! No more shampoo… brushing your hair (oh…. did you ever do that anyways?? )
No more barbers…. Having hair can be a pain in the @$$ (no punn intended).
"Little Johnny on baldness":
Little Johnny was eating breakfast one morning and got to thinking about things.
“Mommy, mommy, why has daddy got so few hairs on his head?” he asked his mother.
“He thinks a lot,” replied his mother, pleased with herself for coming up with a
good answer to her husband's baldness.
Or she was until Johnny thought for a second and asked, “So why do you have so
much hair?”
I guess it was always a matter of time… I can imagine how your eyes will stand out even more!
now, some of the big internal changes you are going thru are marked visibly. a mixed blessing perhaps, yet I've sometimes felt it to be a useful thing… thinking of you lots.
The physicality of things is interesting. Resally makes you wonder what is or is not important, and the part vanity plays in all things.
So are you going to wax it?
Nah. Have to decide when to shave it. Devin has volunteered his services. Of course, no one can really tell that I am losing the hair. There is still plenty of it left.
Hey good morning Farokh,
So you think your hair may come back curlier? Dah, ya…..probably an AFRO! lol. What you said about vanity…how we see ourselves. I can remember being quite unsettled for a while with my new grey crew cut do. I mean last fall I had long straight blondish hair, so it was a huge wake up call for me. People thought I was a lot younger than I was, so at least now I am a normal 50 something year old. My son thinks I should colour again, in time…maybe red? Yowsah!
just read it,and here everyone thought you were some miracle man, and you were going to keep it on your. head. Hey you still got it man, just keep putting it in a bag or something, maybee calculate the rate of fall, for. scientific purposes shiney clean, freckled,like a new born baby, all sorts of possibilities. At least yours will come back. I dont have a chance and frankly dont give a damn. Let me know when its time for a showing