Today was a day of staying home taking stock of the body.
As I said earlier, everything has a new meaning. Are those stomach cramps? Or just gas? Am I having diarrhea? Or headed for constipation? While these sound like diametrically opposite directions, it is really hard to tell at times.
I barely slept last night, which meant spending a bit of time in bed today trying to make up for things.
And taking stock. Not being an alarmist. At one point, I thought my unit had come unplugged. I moved in bed and felt a sharp pain. I yelled for Janet to come up. She did not hear me. I used my cell to phone home and yelled at her to come up. She was breathless when she got to the bedroom. I do not have a clear view of my upper chest, and since I thought I was unplugged, did not dare move.
False alarm. The tubes had come undone, not from my Porta-Cath, but from the tape that held them fast to my chest, hence the sharp pain. It took a while to calm down from that one.
The major things to look out for are diarrhea, nausea, and mouth sores. Oh yeah, also keep away from sharp objects. No kissing, no sharing of glasses or utensils, or tasting food from other plates. I am buying a bubble.
Janet tells me the nurse at the cancer clinic was a tad alarmed when Janet said something about going to a restaurant for dinner. With all those other people around just waiting to infect you? I am going to be one of those people who walks around wearing a mask.
Can’t see it, somehow.
Hello dear one. I have laryngitis today (started last night.) Fighting a cold, coughing a bit, now one of those people you aren’t allowed to be in the same room with. Yes it’s hard to see you complying with the bubble rx. And it’s hard for me to know I have to stay away if there’s any bug-like thing going on with me. I was glad to be able to read your updates when I got up. I am very frustrated that I can’t even call. Thinking of you, always.
Everyone is sick these days, with one bug or another. Why can’t you call? I can’t catch anything through the phone!
I can’t call because I have laryngitis. I can only whisper (Lily tells me this is infinitely preferable to my usual speaking voice) and they say whispering only makes it worse, so I’m trying not to even whisper much. Hopefully later today, after floating in tea and water, I can croak something out.
Nancy Vonk’s brother here… I met you at Nancy’s Thanksgiving gathering a couple of years ago and loved the photo you took that hangs on her wall.
I am one who is praying for you and Janet and yes, Nancy, who loves you. You are in both my thoughts AND prayers, though I am not sure of the difference.
I am a reluctant Christian, and would probably be more comfortable in faith as an American Indian (I would say Native American, but I understand that is no longer PC).
Thank you for sharing your words and your heart. You bring tears and laughter and help us better understand what it is like to live with cancer.
I sympathize with those who don’t know what to say, for I have been among them. I hope this is a start. I send love from the direction of Vermont. …Doug
Wow, this is some serious stuff you are getting injected. I am sure they are sending a message to the cancer cells that they are not kidding.
I am not sure how my chemo meds were different, but I did virtually everything. I went to restaurants and even went to Las Vegas. But then again I didn’t have stuff dripping in me for 2 days and I didn’t have a porta cath, those things are kinda scary. I am glad you were able to sleep finally. I feel for Janet here, running to you breathless. I wish I could be there to help somehow even if just to keep you company on a sleepless night.