This turned out to be a very hard week. I will have to write about it a bit later when all my thoughts have been worked out. Sorry, but I have to think things out. The emotional affects the physical and vice-versa. The first part of the week was hard emotionally. The rest was hard physically.
I went in for my Neulasta shot on Monday, about which I have already written copiously. Neulasta appears to have a debilitating effect before its benefits kick in. I spent most of the week in bed, often in tears for no apparent reason. Slept through a lot of it. Had a moderate temperature all week, hovering between normal (36.5C) and 37.4C. Nothing major. The chemo instructions are to NOT take anything for a temperature. Since we cannot tell for sure that the temperature is due to Neulasta, I spent the week with the temperature and no relief.
The first time I took this drug, I spent 30 hours suffering from lower back spasms. I waited for them all week. There were small signs of them almost every day, but they passed quickly. As in one spasm then it was over. Things changed on Saturday night. Judy and Arlin brought some pizza over from the Magic Oven, one of the best and most expensive pizza houses in town. I spent most of Saturday in bed trying to regain my strength. I was not too successful. Around 9PM, my ribs around my liver started to hurt much as my lower back the previous month.
I went back to bed, took two Tylenol1s (T1s), rolled over on my left side and assumed the fetus position. This was the only position that provided some relief. I tried them all. I cried and cried. Devin came up to console me, and still I cried. It was very hard. I started to feel a bit better when the drugs finally decided to perform their designated task. I barely slept the whole night. Woke up on the hour, took T1s every four or five hours. I have been pain free, since about 11AM when I took my last dose. This could be a good sign.
I shoveled the meager amount of snow we have had on Friday morning. More of a swept the snow away than actual shoveling. Cleaned the snow off the car, so Janet would not have to. She went to work, I went back to bed. Could not believe how exhausting shoveling a couple of inches of fluffy snow was. Slept trough to 12:30, and woke up only because I was very hungry. Warmed up some rice, then the phone started ringing. It was very bizarre. It had not rung the entire morning, but started doing so once I was awake.
Sharon Singer came over for a chat and a look see. I was in great shape. We had a wonderful time to be repeated soon, I hope. One of those rambling discussion I tend to have with a few of my friends.
Back to bed by 8PM. What a life.
The coming week has a few activities in it. I am seeing Dr. Kennedy, my surgeon on Monday, followed by Brain Fog on Tuesday, and Q-Gong on Wednesday.
That should keep me out of trouble.