Date: Christmas – New Year 2003-2004
Location: Coxen Hole, Roatan, Honduras
We spent Christmas and New Year on the island of Roatan, in Honduras with a bunch of friends. We rented two very large houses on a beach. It was hot and sunny. We had a little hurricane, a small earthquake, a black out, and experienced the pleasures of sharing the beach with sand flies.
These critters bite shows up a few days after the event. A small red dot that you tend to ignore because you have no idea where they came from. A couple of day later, the red dot starts becoming very itchy. We ran out of anti-histamines pretty quickly. Janet’s reaction lasted a few months. Peter looked like he had chicken pox.
We would take daily trips into the local villages, the main being Coxen Hole. Highly appropriate name. The main street was full of pot holes. We had rented a Toyota truck that seated six inside and as many people as you could cram in the back. You are obligated to pick up people who are waiting at the bus stops. Just the way it is. The riders knock on the roof when they need to get off. Same thing in Africa and most third world countries.
We were walking around town. I was taking pictures. I have been fascinated for a long time with parallel lines and how they define a space. The walls of lanes that lead to an exit, or create life within them. A passgeway that came together organically, or maybe was planned by someone.
Such was this lane. I stood in front of the lane decided on the picture I was seeing. These two ladies to my left were in deep conversation. These three girls were playing around in and out of the lane. I kept looking through the camera at the space waiting for an opportunity when the firsl would be out of the line of sight.
As with so many pictures, this picture came together when they decided to pose for me.
This is one of my all time favourites. You will get tired of hearing that. Those are the only pictures I display.