Sunday. So many people come to visit. To talk. Just be there. Kali and David want to come for lunch. Aviva and David join us as well. We go through the whole story from the beginning. Everyone wants details. What were the first signs? When did you know? The unasked questions, what turbulence is going on in your precious brain? How are you holding up? How is Janet? And finally, how is Devin? This last one carries a lot of emotion for everyone. He is loved by all, those who have met him recently, and those who have watched him grow up.  All are concerned about him, and how he is handling things.

David Jang has brought his camera. Kali has insisted that pictures be taken of us before. She wants to document the whole thing in pictures. I am not prepared for that. But pictures now is a good idea. He takes a bunch. Janet and I ham it up, take some serious poses. We have fun, and for a second, all troubles are forgotten.

The support of family and friends has been totally overwhelming and humbling. In my wildest dreams, I could not have imagined the level of concern, the love, and the constant queries to make sure we are doing OK coming from all parts of the world.

Everyone leaves. Supper. Bed.

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