Went to see the oncologist yesterday with mixed results.
The last CT Scan we did was at the end of July, before the full diagnosis, and before the operation, and before the chemo, and just plain before.
Monday’s CT Scan revealed more cancer tumours and activities. This is to be expected. No treatments results in very active active cancer cells taking advantage of our largesse to promote their intent. Here we are, almost three months after the operation with more tumours, not less.
This had surprisingly little effect on me. Dr. Hedley is amazingly re-assuring and positive through all things. He went through checking me out prior to discussing the results of the test. He prodded and probed and was amazed at the excellent condition of my stomach muscles. I really have no way of judging these things, but I am apparently in better shape than we thought.
A CEA blood test was done, the results of which will be available in 10 days. I have discussed this test before, but for those of ailing memory, here is a link with an explanation. It is not a conclusive test, but it does give us an idea of the direction of the healing. We left the good doctor in good humour. He gave me a hug. I mean, what kind of a heartless doctor gives his patient a hug? Told you he was good.
His basic premise is that I am well if I am feeling well. There are good points and bad to this. I was feeling well at the beginning of July in spite of this invasion, until I felt bad. But I tend to agree with him overall. Feeling pretty good, mentally and physically. Getting stronger. Putting on weight to the point where I might have to go on a see-food diet. The general prognosis is is that I am improving and the cancer must be in full retreat. 10 days.
My voice is, as always, the barometer of my health. It is weaker than I would like it to be. But this is the end of chemo week and the start of mighty and strong week.
We received some results from the blood test that would lead us to believe that I am doing very well indeed. The tests involved levels of
Test | old value | new value | normal range |
ALP | 403 | 149 | 30 to 120 |
ALT | 67 | 33 | 5 to 35 |
LD | 588 | 257 | 100 to 190 |
The normal range is listed below. The information below has been copied from enotes.com. They provide a very comprehensive explanation of what these things are.
Reference ranges vary from laboratory to laboratory and also depend upon the method used. However, normal values are generally framed by the ranges shown below. Values for enzymes are based upon measurement at 37°C.
- ALT: 5-35 IU/L (values for the elderly may be slightly higher, and values also may be higher in men and in African-Americans).
- AST: 0-35 IU/L.
- ALP: 30-120 IU/LALP is higher in children, older adults and pregnant females.
- GGT: males 2-30 U/L; females 1-24 U/L.
- LD: 0-4 days old: 290-775 U/L; 4-10 days: 545-2000 U/L; 10 days-24 months:180-430 U/L; 24 months-12 years:110-295 U/L; 12-60 years:100-190 U/L; 60 years: >110-210 U/L.
- Bilirubin: (Adult, elderly, and child) Total bilirubin:0.1-1.0 mg/dL; indirect bilirubin: 0.2-0.8 mg/dL; direct bilirubin: 0.0-0.3 mg/dL. (Newborn) Total bilirubin: 1-12 mg/dL. Note: critical values for adult: greater than1.2 mg/dL. Critical values for newborn (requiring immediate treatment): greater than 15 mg/dL.
- Ammonia: 10-70 micrograms per dL (heparinized plasma). Normal values for this test vary widely, depending upon the age of the patient and the type of specimen.
- Albumin: 3.2-5.4 g/L.
way to go farokh! you are constantly in my thoughts out west. i can’t wait to see you at christmas!
Farokh, I have been following your updates, and I am simply in awe of your strength. Take good care, and here’s a wish for more good news soon.