The jury is out on the sleep resolution taken last night. Having said that, I slept quite well, if sporadically. But in the new spirit of any sleep is a good sleep, I accepted the vagaries of the night and woke up at some point in the morning in fine spirits.

This boded well for the chemo day. Strong physical being and emotional state are essential to a successful and painless experience. Since sleep and emotional state are directly related to one another, an accepted sleeping experience stood by me in the cancer ward.

Times have changed. I do not recall the level of consultation taking place when my mother was dying of cancer some 30 years ago. The level of consultation and trust that the nurses place in the patient are impressive. The nurse, a lovely lady named Sammy, from southern India, was ready to connect the Avastin drug. I had to stop her and have her consult with Dr. Hedley.

It turns out that Dr. Kennedy had not informed Dr. Hedley of her decision to delay the application of Avastin until the innards are in better shape. I figure we will wait for the CT Scan to reveal whatever it does before making a decision on Avastin.

Devin and I went to the hospital yesterday to do the blood work thingy. The Porta-Cath means that I do not have to have my veins tapped every couple of weeks. We discovered that when we did the blood work thingy two weeks ago. also turns out that it takes a couple of hours to process the vials of preciousness they extract from my poor and sorry body. Doing the blood work the previous day is highly recommended. The Porta-Cath meant that we could use the alternate blood extracting lab, located peculiarly in the Ambulance Waiting Area.

Devin and I made our way to this area which is tucked away down a nondescript corridor that could use a touch of paint amongst other things. There were no signs indicating where we should go. There is a movie in there somewhere. A door is all that gives away the possibility of the lab.

It is a very civilised affair. They smile and let you know that you are indeed in the right place. The waiting period was very short. The connection to the Porta-Cath with the all-too-familiar giant thumb tack was painless and quick. Blood extracted and you are free to go. The best gesture was leaving the thumb tack embedded for use the next day. One prick and you are done for two operations. How civilised.

Once convinced to way lay the Avastin, the other drugs were connected and all went very smoothly. Done in two and a half hours. What a difference from the previous session.

I told you last time about the clubish atmosphere. We met a couple of people who were done last time. Almost had a cup of coffee with everyone. Some of the nurses even recognise you. Not sure if that is a good thing or not.

Devin is practicing the piano as I am writing this. Brings joy to my heart, though I cannot wait for him to become a better player!

And now for the check list:

No nausea

No diarrhea

No blood on urine or stool

No allergic reactions

No temperature

Hair intact.

3 Responses to “Chemo Day: session 2”

  1. Hair is over-rated…. just shave it! Maintenance free! :)

    • Except for the shaving part. I am not allowed to use a razor which means an electric job, which is so time consuming. Anyways, no worries, my hair is all there, with no morsel out of place.

      I thought we would have a party when/if the occasion arises when it starts falling out. I am sure my hairdresser will accommodate.

  2. Oh, I so enjoy reading this good news page — including the part about Devin playing piano again!
    Love, Mary

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