Chemo on May 4th was postponed by about a week. My white blood cell count was very low at 0.8. Janet was right on the weekend. Dr. Hedley recommended I do another blood test on Tuesday morning. These things are pretty fluid. The counts go up and down with great regularity.

I went back in on Tuesday morning are 8:30. The earlier the better. Takes an hour for the blood work results to make their way to the Chemo Daycare. Once approved, it takes about two hours to get the drugs ready. It pays to go in early. I went home after the blood work. No sense in hanging out there. We live about ten minutes away.

Got back to the daycare at precisely ten for my appointment. I explained to the admin person that my white blood cell count had been low and so on. Ahh, she said, right. There is a red tag on your folder which means Chemo is a go. They cannot look at my results, nor can I. Only a nurse can. And? No, cannot see a nurse until I go in since there is a red tag on my binder.

I waited an hour before deciding to go get a bite. They give you a pager. You have to stay in the building. No issues there. There is a Druxy’s in the building. I go down and get a bite. A lovely balanced diet. Fruit bowl with yogurt, and a chocolate bar. Go back up around 11:01. I know that because the admin person asked me where I had been. They paged me at 10:55 for God’s sake. What took so long. I ignored her. The nurse wanted to see me.

They made a mistake. My white blood cell count was down to 0.7. No Chemo was possible. I complained about the admin staff. The nurse suggested I complain to the hospital. She cannot do anything about it.

I was very upset at the waste of time. I could have gone home at 10:05.

I came home and wrote a letter to the customer relations person at the hospital. That conversation coming up in a separate entry.

I came home and rested. My energy came back with a vengeance on Wednesday. I am not sure how to explain my feeling when my energy returns. You feel like the walking dead while the energy is depleted. Very emotional. Cry at anything. You then wake up one morning and your energy has returned. You feel like a new person, almost jumping out of bed. New day, new person. You run around getting things done. Race against time. No rest allowed, too much to do, too little time. There is a poem in there somewhere.

You pay the price at some point when the energy is depleted. You crash and sleep hoping to recharge the batteries so you can start getting things done again. My energy level has lasted so far. Chemo is scheduled for Tuesday again. Neulasta on Thursday. See what happens. I am resting for the next couple of days.

Playing on the computer is resting for me. Hence the blog entries.

Thank you for being there.

One Response to “Cancelled Chemo”

  1. hi Farokh,
    thanks for updating. glad of the news, simply to know how it all goes at the moment. doesn't have to be good news, just news. hope the chemo unfolds with ease and does you huge amounts of good. love, Sharon

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