Nov 212009
avastin, avastin
what art thou
you come in a plastic bag
invading my heart
poisoning my body
weakening my spirit
racing through my body
wrecking ball that you are
stopping blood vessels from forming
killing cancer cells
yet here we are
eight days later
reeling from your invasion
exhausted from your tentacles
sleeping or awake
not feeling like much
going through the motions
dealing with your pain
avastin, avastin
what art thou
avastin amongst other things
seems to be a muse
a poetry maker
a distiller, and faith tester
a big-shot strutter
may the love
that surrounds
hold you
the freudian slip in the second line, with sharon’s explanation, now makes perfect sense. cool!
Hi Farokh!
Judy told me about your blog; it’s amazing. Thank you for the honesty and insight. And your pictures….!!!
Wishing you peace and love from New York City.
Give my best to Janet, too.