I am feeling really well. On the road to recovery. I am considering cancelling the doctor’s appointment. Temperature gone, so obviously is the infection, whatever it was, appetite is slowly returning as is the amount I am eating. Except for the “whatever it was” and the almost 10lb loss of weight which keep nagging at me, the appointment would have been cancelled. So off to the doctor it is.

Dr. Ruth Heisey is a wonderful doctor who is perfect for my temperament. Takes things seriously when she should, but is not the panicky type who calls the coroner because you have a headache. I love to make her laugh. Who do doctors talk to take relieve the pressure? They might talk to other doctors, but somewhere along the line is a poor doctor slob who is absorbing all this pressure.

She pushes and probes and hits all the right places immediately. Quite impressive. A whole bunch of questions. The verdict is Diverticulitis, which means a couple more tests to confirm, and anti-biotics to make sure the infection is really gone. I do not argue with her about the anti-biotics. She likes to prescribe pills, and I am in her hands after all. 10 days of these things, a CT Scan coming up, as well as an appointment with a GI specialist. They will call me. Nothing really urgent, but it will be done pretty quickly.

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